Rebecca Gold is here in FULL! Featuring the fantastic Katie Sheridan, Alison Collinge, Keith Eyles and Paul Coster, Rebecca Gold tells the story of a geeky assassin going rogue when she meets an old crush.

Written and directed by Ian David Diaz, the series features scenes of mild peril, some fantastic action and a great story filled with geeky quips and references to just about everything. Rebecca Gold is one of the projects I’ve been really happy working on, with an amazing cast and crew and it’s something I’m really happy to show to just about everyone I can! Rebecca Gold was originally released as a series, and has been fused together into a beautiful short film that everyone can enjoy. I got shot twice during the film, firstly by a camera and then by a gun. It was an amazing experience and I’d recommend working with any of the team to anyone! It’s hard to say a lot about the series without giving too much away, but I highly recommend it!

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