In this essay I will go through the Social Justice Warriors explaining their specialised caste within their warped ideologies and provide insight into how to confront and deal with certain types of SJW. The best advice in the world is to ignore their existence. In order to live a happy and healthy life, it’s always best to avoid any form of conflict with people. If that is your chosen path, then you are far more sensible than me. You can skip this essay, but it will always be there if one finds you, and if you have any feelings or opinions at all about anything, you never know when an SJW can strike.
Before we begin, there are genuinely good people in the world, who believe they are helping others by talking on social media. Many of them actively try and promote good ideas and genuinely try to help people. These are not SJWs. These are good human beings and will not get involved in aggressively victimising people. The people we are looking at in this chapter are vindictive, hateful and narcissistic people who use a shield of faux morality in order to attack others, to make themselves look good and cause psychological harm to a person.
So first of all: What is a Social Justice Warrior?
This is someone who promotes or expresses socially progressive views. Their main focus is equality of economic, political, social, sexual rights and opportunities, they also sometimes bring equity into their divisive politics. They take to social media, usually with a distinct lack of knowledge about the subjects they engage in more so to raise their own personal reputation than actually helping anyone, in a disgusting display of self aggrandizing and pseudo moral superiority. The majority of people who fit the term tend to be self-serving, narcissistic and with a general feeling of self importance that borders on the belligerent. Their stance is aggressively authoritarian and exceedingly vicious.
The Social Justice Warrior will generally share memes and articles in support of their chosen ideologies, attacking and attempting to eradicate anyone they see as being socially regressive. They are quick to use words like Racist, Nazi, Alt Right, Far Right, Misogynist, Homophobe and anything else that will quickly raise attention and armies against you. These blanket terminologies are great because they will draw in anyone who is politically aligned against these blanket ideologies and enable them to strike fast and incapacitate an inexperienced debater, often by unleashing a swarm of torrential hate against them. They can cost you friendships easily so they need to be shut down quickly and aggressively as possible.
The problem with SJWs is not what they believe in, if indeed they do genuinely believe it, but that they actively go out looking for a rumble, they are armed to the teeth and will generally attack anyone they can with little to no reason to do it other than self grandeurization, moral superiority and trying to ruin people’s lives. Their actions are malevolent, rather than helpful, as their focus is to use the ideologies they claim to support to attack, belittle and humiliate others.
Their goal is to find a Racist Homophobic Right Wing Nazi (that could be you, with no evidence, and at any point) and cut off their head publicly so they can wave it around and cheer: “Look, I slew a monster!” They are aggressive and use badly worded, poorly thought out strawmans and arguments – usually with little to no evidence – to try and harm anyone they don’t personally like much, or see as being moderately conservative. Sometimes, they even go for people who support their own ideologies, turning them into the enemy for little reason other than not liking or not understanding that person.
Basically the SJWs are the lowest form of scum looking to serve the heads of their old friends on silver platters so they can gain praise from peers that would happily turn on them in turn if it gave them greater social leverage.
The SJW is similar to a spider, though not quite as lethal. Their usual aim is to lure their prey into a battleground of their choice (so they have the advantage of being ‘informed’) rather than fighting their victims on their own turf, as challenging you where friends can help you, or in areas where you are informed is not good. If they draw you into their web, then it is easy for their friends to mob you and take you down. You will notice this when they tag in a tag team partner, usually because they can’t handle the argument alone.
You may have noticed people launching attacks on your ideology. “This ideology is bad.” “This is typical behaviour for people of this ideology.” “People who believe this do this reprehensible thing/are racist/want children to starve, etc.” If you are like me, this will not stand and you will find yourself in a massive online fracas.
Misinformation is rife throughout the internet, and sometimes you feel the incontrovertible need to argue against something that is simply not true. These attacks feel personal because they are. They are a targeted attack on YOU – not to highlight areas of social justice a person supports, but they are the actions of a predator looking for prey. It is best to ignore this and save yourself grief. Sadly this chapter is for people like me who will strike back, even if fighting these people is a foolish act. I should really know better by now…
Another way they draw in victims is by sharing specialised media in a way that provokes conflict. The media is rarely completely accurate, with most things having a political spin. I have found articles from the Guardian and Another Angry Voice, (whom I suspect is secretly an alt right troll, milking gullible ‘lefties’ of their hard earned sheckles,) particularly enticing.
Opinionated media is generally pretty vile as usually it is a moralistic piece that basically goads potential victims, in much the same way as similar posts you may have seen have triggered something deep within your soul. Just because someone has the right to post an opinion on a website or in a newspaper does not mean that opinion is right. This falls dangerously into the category of the argument from authority and often appears, in theory, to have more power than a direct personal statement, as news and well known websites are respected by the majority of normal people. If authority is always right, then Stalin was right, Hitler was right and so was Charles Manson, and heaven forbid, CNN. It’s tempting to respond to inaccurate opinionated articles, especially if they attack your beliefs personally. Avoid it for a happier life. The people sharing them are sharing to attack you and to look good, not because they care about the issues. Virtue signalling for likes. It’s quite sad really… If the amount of people who wanted issues fixed worked together, they could fix the problems through unity, but as we see, they would rather fight their brothers and sisters, drive away friends and then blame a lack of universal action by social gaps they caused rather than trying to bridge…
You also have, what I like to call: Questing Knights, who are somewhat a different breed. They usually come from a small army or ‘clan’ of SJWs who work together to hunt their prey. These knights know only the chivalry of the backstab and lynch mob as they generally only attack friends or friends of friends. They will attack you at the core on issues you are talking about, twisting the narrative of something you say in a way that makes you look bad and they, in turn, look good.
The best way to deal with this is to explain that they are misinformed publicly and ask them not to jump to conclusions about things that they don’t understand. They misrepresent on purpose and it should be pointed out and deflected, because any response other than a deflection will unleash a hornet’s nest of abuse, comments and summoning of the clan. They are bullying, cowardly pack animals and generally cruel people, and their behaviour should be watched. If you are attacked like this often by certain friends, you’re better off not knowing them, as they clearly don’t know you.
Types of Social Justice Warrior
In this section I will go into the types of SJW I have had the extreme misfortune to encounter, along with ways of defeating them in arguments or dealing with their nonsense and propaganda. The names and classifications are as much a joke as a sad reflection of what they actually are. I believe inherently that labels are bad, but sometimes they can be accurate.
The Lemonbrain
Our incontrovertibly pickled Lemonbrain is typically bitter and set in their ways. The Lemonbrain likes to start arguments often associated with the things that they pretend to care about and champion most. They are often incapable of thinking outside the box, and they are generally so bitter and cynical that changing their mind falls just short of a miracle. They have a thick skin, but you can break through it with a little work.
Lemonbrains are hard opponents to fight because usually they will only stick to one area they know well. They have tough skin, like the lemon, and their thoughts are just as acidic. They often feel misplaced in an extremely oppressive world, and usually attack political ideologies to deal with personal life frustrations.
When arguing with the Lemonbrain, you will often find that they have a reasonable amount of arguments backed up by solid ‘facts’ from whatever political journals they read. They are generally not stupid and have experience in arguing their points. They are tenacious and will often attack ideologies using blanket statements to try and deflect any argument you present and will often be quick to associate you with evil to gain allies quickly.
It is unlikely you will be able to change the mind of the Lemonbrain, so confrontation is generally a waste of your time. The only problem is if the Lemonbrain is gathering Lemon Cultists around them and launching personal attacks against individuals, spreading their toxic lemony bitterness and creating problems within communities, damaging reputations and ganging up on people, bullying them into submission.
These groups of Lemon Cultists tend to grow quickly and massage each other’s egos, constantly supporting each other’s statements, making arguments very complicated and hard.
The solution to fighting a group of these vile creatures is to pick out a weak Cultist who lacks the ability to think for themself, call them out by name and respond only to them. You make the weakest member of the Lemon Cult their mouthpiece. The others will try and help, so just ignore them. Pluck the squealing lemon from it’s herd and ask it for evidence, usually it will be supplied by others, but you can ignore them.
Make them fight and don’t let them leave. This sounds cruel and it is, but these Cultists make their fun out of hunting prey, and mass bully people into leaving social media, and potentially even into suicide as we have seen on many occasions. They are remorseless individuals who don’t care about the people they hurt and live only for self grandeurization and the fickle respect of their cult leader and friends.
On their own the Lemonbrain is generally toxic, though well practiced in their chosen field. Usually it is not worth an argument, but if you have to, the key is to find a common ground on a moral level. Look at the ideology they support, and show how your ideology supports it. Most of the time this will be ignored and you will be called a troll, however there is usually a way to prove that their opinion is wrong pretty easily in the arguments they provide. If they link articles, give them a little time and read them, then ask how the article is relevant or address things within the article showing how they reflect your views, if possible. You can also point out that the article is propaganda, misinformation or incorrect if it is. This will usually result in a win. That is, if that’s the intended goal.
Overall I wouldn’t recommend arguing with the Lemonbrain as it is a titanic waste of time. Only engage if they are actively bullying others. Point out that they are bullying people and say they are being unfair or misrepresenting someone and disregard their evidence as being insubstantial. Lemonbrains hate being the bad guy as it pickles their ideology and makes them question themselves.
Glorytrolls are aggressive and barbaric sociopaths that invade people’s posts on social media in the hope of showing the world how fantastic they are as people. Vain, narcissistic and petty, they use a variety of cruel devices to achieve their goals. The Glorytroll looks to wound their opponent’s ideology and uses a variety of different techniques to make their opponent look bad and them look morally superior.
These people use a very sinister cocktail of attacks to achieve their goals, demonising the poster’s ideology and attacking them personally, using blanket statements, lying and gaslighting in order to make a person seem horrible. They often accuse people of things that aren’t true, followed by the reason it makes a person immoral as an opener to their arguments. This is used to turn friends against each other and make out that the Glorytroll is a force for good, and the poster is evil.
They are narcissistic, hateful people who use their warped vision of morality to justify their actions. These are the same kinds of people that victim blame, and they attack remorselessly, changing topics if they are proven wrong on any subject, ignoring any evidence as fake, or politically biased. They like to take photos of their arguments to share with friends and gain allies against their enemies.
As with all SJWs, it’s pointless arguing against a Glorytroll. Usually any evidence they have is under-researched, misinformed, or opinion posts. They are well practised in changing the topic of conversation to attack in every way possible distracting you from being able to hold one argument. The best method of dealing with these people is a good old fashioned block. Friends and people who know you will know what you really stand for. People who don’t are just toxic, and will wound your relationships with those people who know you for their own sick pleasure.
Tag Team Textwarriors
Every once in a while you will find yourself arguing against a particularly curdled Lemonbrain that is sadly unable to think or fight for itself, terrified, it squawks to the void for assistance using the @ key and a friend’s name to summon their ally to the battle. The Tag Team Textwarrior is a seasoned pro at fighting for all things Justice online but most likely has never actually done anything to help anyone in the physical world. These people are dangerous and usually use dirty tricks like abusing moral concepts to argue with you.
There is one rule to follow when dealing with this kind of e-vermin. Ignore them! Block them or ignore the things they say, nothing saddens the Textwarrior like being ignored. Continue to respond to anyone else in the discussion and completely ignore anything being said by a summoned ally. It’s effective and leads to extreme outbursts of rage in most cases. By never responding to anything they personally say, you remove their power by not acknowledging them. Don’t respect an opponent that doesn’t respect or know you.
Silent Supports
The Silent Support is a particularly nasty version of the Social Justice Warrior. These are people who cannot be reasoned with because they don’t directly engage in the battle. Their role is simple: Sit on the sidelines like brain dead gargoyles firing likes at the comments of anyone that they agree with. It is very easy to deal with the silent support. There are two options available that will lead to maximum effectiveness in your arguments.
1: Contact the person directly in a private message, try to ascertain what their actual opinion is. Most of the time they don’t know what they are talking about and will flake if challenged. Explain that you are being misrepresented or that your opponent does not know what they are talking about and provide evidence… or you could take the easy route.
2: Block them. Blocking is a great way to reduce an enemy’s support count to zero, if they can’t see what you are writing they can’t realistically support the enemy or respond to anything you write, and liking mindless spam gets boring fast. Whilst it doesn’t always work, as they can still stick around, you will reduce a lot of your opponent’s support by blocking the crowd of trolls and making the person look like they’re screaming at thin air. Glorious.
The Chaplain is well-meaning and usually tries to break up fights, rather than allowing them to go on. They usually end up being hated by both parties involved in the argument and any parties that happen to see the argument, not through any fault of their own but just through their yearning for peace. Very often the Chaplain is a Voice of Reason and the voice of sensibility and should really be listened to by both parties. They are usually ignored and attacked by everyone. They will usually end up alienating all of their friends and sadly become hated for trying to help out in a horrible situation.
You should never turn on a Chaplain or attack them; it only makes you look like a horrible person and that will be used against you. Moreover, you should openly support their ideas towards peace. Sending them a message agreeing that peace would be better, but that you need to fight for what is right can turn a Chaplain into a powerful ally in battle. If you are aiming for peace but your opponent is pushing for war, the Chaplain will often side with you and keep trying to de-escalate the situation.
The Arsenal of the SJW:
The SJW has a series of weapons it uses to harm others. These are some of the ones I have come across along with a few ways of handling them.
The Bait
I have discussed earlier some of the ways the SJW will try to lure you into their spider’s web. Usually they poke, prod and goad by calling out specific ideologies, or try to throw a twist into your conversation that purposefully misrepresents you. They may say: “You believe this, so you must believe that”, or they may try and gaslight the people around you by throwing purposeful misrepresentations of your character into the mix. An example was that someone called me a Trump supporter around the time of the 2020 elections to gain favour with the demographic of my friends who don’t like Trump. I however was much more so aligned with the Libertarian party which I had actively worked with overseas through one of the companies I work with.
This person used a previous statement I had made to try and prove their point, which whilst relatively meaningless got some negative reactions from friends who hadn’t kept up with me politically. This is very dangerous, and should be called out publicly as soon as possible. “Just because I made this statement does not mean that I have this other belief.” Is a great way to handle misrepresentation. “If you would like to discuss this further, please get your facts right.” Is a nice aggressive follow up. It reduces their power and makes you appear stronger, whilst making them seem ill informed. Above all else, you don’t ever want to be misrepresented by anyone.
Blanket Statements
I have mentioned these earlier as one of the goading tactics people use, and they are a really nasty weapon. “People of this ideology are all bad, or all believe this or all want that.” We can step back a little as well and say that they can accuse you of being right wing, homophobic, mysoginistic, a Nazi or a Trump supporter, as though that represents your argument. You can actually be all of these things, and they can still be wrong about your argument.
A blanket statement completely ignores any points you make within your argument, or ultimately labels it in such a way that it’s dismissible outright. It’s a lazy way to fight effortlessly as it avoids the responsibility of having to formulate a counter argument. The only way to argue against this is to ask them to directly address your points and call them out on being evasive, not responding to your argument, purposefully misrepresenting you, or not understanding your argument. It’s messy but it tends to work as people like to have the last word, especially the aggressive SJW variety. You can point out that people are using blanket statements and explain what they are and why they are being used to beat back opponents nicely. That is, if anyone has the brain cells to listen to you.
Projection of Aggression
Have you ever been baited into an argument with someone who has been talking in an aggressive and injurious way about a subject you feel close to heart? Often their opinions are maladjusted and lack any understanding and you just couldn’t let it go? Your retaliation may well be called out as aggressive.
Projection is especially sinister because it makes you seem like the bad guy when in fact you’re not. you are not the person who made the original statement. You are not the person who’s got the wrong opinion, and yes you actually have a right to be upset if somebody says something wrong about something you believe in, so projection of aggression is very very disturbing.
Let’s say someone says: “All conservatives are bad.” Or my favorite, “Never trust a Tory.” This is aggressive towards conservatives. If I respond by saying, “That’s not correct!” This is marked out as an act of aggression. “How dare you challenge me, you brute!” Comes the reply, the offender projecting their own aggressive stance on you. They take no responsibility for their original statement that was provocational, or the fact they’ve hurt your feelings.
The way to handle this is to say: “I am responding to your inaccurate statement that doesn’t represent my views. This statement is aggressive and untrue for these reasons.” Usually you will be met with abuse, but at least you point the finger back at them, revealing who the aggressor truly is. The important thing is letting everyone reading it know that you are the one being attacked, and that you are only defending yourself. It is the other person who is the aggressor.
Changing the Subject
You’ve scored a point, and it can’t be beaten, so your opponent switches tactics. They will try and drag you into a battlefield they are more comfortable with, usually related. As Mark Twain says, “an idiot will drag you to their level and beat you with experience.”
I sometimes give in and argue in the new battlefield, win enough of them and you will win the war, and usually people who argue like this will only have so many battlefields in the Inception of Incompetence their arguments can become, however the best advice I can give is to say: “This is irrelevant, as we are talking about the subject we are talking about, not about this.” The opponent will usually try to drag you into their new battlefield a few times. The best way to handle this is to play to the narcissist within the SJW mind and say: “If you can’t even argue about what we are talking about, you are simply not worth my time. We can move onto less important matters later.” This will usually trigger vitriol within your opponent and force them to stay on topic.
Attacking/Belittling Your Achievements
Let’s say you’ve made some accomplishments in your life. I’m a composer, actor, film maker and I ran my own company. I am now terrible at making music, a trash actor, my films suck, and my company now has bad reviews from someone I didn’t work with. I’m also incredibly ugly, and believe it or not I’m going bald! (Something I’m well aware of!)
It starts with an attack on your achievements. Usually this comes from a lack of achievement from the person who attacks you. This brings you down to being human, rather than the overarching demigod that you actually are, and as Dutch said in Predator: “If it bleeds, we can kill it.” Then you just get insults afterwards.
The best response is to say: “I know, how is this relevant to our conversation?” This very much annoys people. They hate it when you don’t care about their opinion. It’s their aim to hurt you. If you don’t let it show, and don’t rise to it, you will be fine.
Emotional Blackmail
“We are supposed to be friends!” “I thought you were my friend!” “I thought I could trust you!” Or my favourite: “I thought you were a good person!” Are quite commonly used by people attempting to assert emotional and psychological control over you. It’s particularly malignant. “I thought you were a good person!” Or words to that effect are particularly nasty as it implies you are actually a bad person and it’s a secret jab at you, also implying they are good and wouldn’t normally associate with a bad person like you. These people really are sick. This is emotional blackmail, designed to make you look bad and make observers hate you.
The best way to fight this is to say: “You drew me in by attacking me directly/indirectly, you misrepresented me/my beliefs/my friends, why are you doing this? I thought we were friends too…” This reality check will usually work because sometimes bringing people down to ground is necessary. Not everyone is purposefully aggressive and sometimes it can lead to peace. At other times it can lead to you being blocked and smeared. Lovely stuff. That’s not a friend you will miss.
Demeaning, Name Calling and Demonisation
How often have you found yourself called an idiot, a moron or attacked for being ugly? I get this a lot from people, it’s one of the many advantages of being an idiotic ugly moron. Simply your enemies in this scenario don’t have an argument to use against you. They will revert to toxicity and blanket statements calling you alt right, Tory scum, a terrorist, pathetic, little, Nazi etc. I usually ask these people to try and remain on topic and not snarl at me like some sort of beast, but a kinder approach is to ignore it and try and get them to focus on the argument.
Spelling Mistakes and Grammar
If they point out spelling mistakes and grammar, you’ve already won. I like to ask people if they could kindly address my points rather than trying to distract from their inability to argue against them. Hold these people to account for their own weaknesses.
War is Pointless
At the end of the day, there is only one thing to realise and this is that war is absolutely pointless and fighting these people is a waste of time. If, like me, you feel inevitably drawn into these involuntary conflicts with these people, maybe this will help, but the best technique is always to ignore these people and walk away. It’ll lead to a happier, more successful life.